Onverbiddelijk nieuw rapport geslachtstransities: "Kwetsbare Britse tieners gebruikt als voetbal, bewijs ontbreekt, dit is een systeemfout"
De avant-garde (wij, uw weblog, gewoon hier) kan het dossier 5 jaar te laat en tienduizenden verminkte kwetsbare tieners en adolescenten verder eindelijk overdragen aan de Zembla's en Guardians
"Kinderen worden gebruikt als voetbal" in een Guardian-kop. Alles sal reg kom
‘Children are being used as a football’: Hilary Cass on her review of gender identity services https://t.co/DXFRixBMr0
— Society Guardian (@SocietyGuardian) April 10, 2024
Ja, er is een extreem zeldzame minderheid waarvoor 'geslachtstransitie' (bestaat niet) een acceptabele interventie is, en toen raakten de academie en medische infrastructuur ineens bevangen.
Onderstaand de meest sprekende citaten uit het interview met kinderarts dr. Hilary Cass die dit onderzoek van ongekende schaal naar "al het wereldwijde beschikbare bewijs" en alle 9.000 Britse patiënten namens de NHS uitvoerde. Opmerkelijk detail vooraf? 'Genderklinieken' weigerden aan het onderzoek mee te doen en "refused to contact former patients for permission on her behalf." Dr. Cass noemt die weigering "ideologically driven. There was no substantive reason for it. So I can only really conclude that it was because they didn’t feel that it was the right thing to do to try and nail down this data."
Na de breek overigens nog de laatste spartelingen van 's lands aantrekkelijkste fact checker, Marieke "true believer" Kuypers.
Dr. Cass:
""We’ve let them [children] down because the research isn’t good enough and we haven’t got good data. The toxicity of the debate is perpetuated by adults, and that itself is unfair to the children who are caught in the middle of it. The children are being used as a football and this is a group that we should be showing more compassion to."
In the future she wants services to offer a broad range of interventions, rather that having “tunnel vision” on gender.
She is not even sure that future clinics should have gender in the name, noting that we should “move away from just calling these gender services because young people are not just defined by their gender”.
"(...) I don’t think you can point a finger at anyone in particular; it’s been a system failure. (...)
We’ve got it locked into this focus on medical interventions. And certainly some of the young adults said to us, they wish they’d known when they were younger, that there were more ways of being trans than just a binary medical transition. (...) It’s a social experiment – we don’t know what that’s done for the generation that’s coming through – what has been good and what is bad.
Biology hasn’t changed in the last few years so it’s not that that’s changed things … we do have to think very seriously about the impact of social media, not just in terms of influencers, but about the effect of long hours on social media.
There was some very dangerous influencing going on. Some of them give them very unbalanced information. Some were told parents would not understand so that they had to actively separate from their parents or distance their parents.""
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