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Hello @rihanna this is minister Kaag spieking

Was dat 'all will be revealed in NY'-tweetje van Kaag naar Rihanna dus tóch een toezegging: Nederland geeft 100 miljoen weg. Dat ging, nadat Kaag onder haar stoeltje had gedweild, ongeveer zo.

"Hello best Rihanna! Your invitation to make over money to you're fonds was not aimed at deaf mens ears because the money is overgemaked! We know you asked voor 100 million dollar but here in the Netherlands we thought: weet je what, let's make it 100 million euro so they become some extra's. Everybody in the Netherlands is all like: yeah, let's give 100 million euro to education abroad, because here in the Netherlands we have the best and well working education in the country. Stronger still, we have the best education in the Europe! We've got the business good for each other. In our own country we have a lot of money available for education, everybody who is working in the education sector is very satisfied and everything is walking from a slates little roof. Teachers receive a great salary and the hashtag lerarenstaking is non-existent on Twitter. Pfff, our teachers will not go striken on the Maliefield, we are not the French!!! Anyway Rihanna, here is your 100 million euro, also our guys in the military must buy there own clothes but shut up and take my money. I hope you do wise things with it. Love you from your biggest fan and I think Good Girl Gone Bad is you're best album Mark also says hi. Sigrid."

BONUS! Speech van Kaag na de klik!


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