Macron, Scholz en Starmer hekelen Elon Musks "inmenging in Europese verkiezingen"
Hey ja okay maar wat is nou erger? De ISLAMISERING VAN EUROPA met alle gevolgen van dien of *bekijkt notities* tweets van Elon
Tuurlijk, Musk opereert als Twitters eigenaar, Trumps compagnon en aanstaand leider van Trumps Department of Government Efficiency in een soort schemergebied tussen dorpspleinburgemeester en semi-officiële staatssecretaris. Maar in hoeverre gelden zijn online oprispingen nou als 'verkiezingsinmenging'? En zelfs al is het 'verkiezingsinmenging', hoe verschilt dit dan van Starmer die in Engeland knielde voor de Amerikaanse Black Lives Matter-beweging, in het Britse parlement sprak over George Floyd en zijn Labour Party die zo'n 100 vrijwilligers naar Amerika te sturen om campagne te voeren voor Kamala?
Waarom ontving George Soros' zoon Alex eergisteren namens zijn vader van Biden de Presidential Medal of Freedom, voor het werk van zijn Open Society Foundation die in Europa weinig anders doet dan 'progressieve' invloed inkopen? Mag het dan ineens wel, en ook nog eens gevierd worden of zo?
En de gotspe van Starmer onderstaand hey, waar hij over Elon zegt: "Those that are spreading lies and misinformation [?] as far and as wide as possible, are not interested in victims. They're interested in themselves." Zeg, wie was hier nou het hoofd van de Crown Prosecution Service van 2008 tot 2013 en leunt plaatselijk op de islamitische blokstem?
ONDERTUSSEN: Zuckerberg schrapt fact-checkers op Instagram en Facebook, hekelt ‘politieke censuur’
Starmer: 'Elon niet geïnteresseerd in slachtoffers, geeft alleen om zichzelf'
Een RT van Musk, volgens Starmer niet uit medeleven maar omdat hij alleen geïnteresseerd is in zichzelf
this is absolutely insane
— Jeremy Kauffman 🦔🌲🌕 (@jeremykauffman) January 6, 2025
Het is een Labour Enterprise
Exclusive: Anti-grooming gang campaigner Raja Miah (@recusant_raja) details how the Labour Party covered up the industrial rape of white working class British girls, in order to secure votes from Muslim communities.
— Turning Point UK 🇬🇧 (@TPointUK) January 2, 2025
"Labour are at the centre of the grooming gang cover up."
Ja is dit nou verkiezingsinmenging of gewoon lompe edge posting?
America should liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 6, 2025
Sad to see America, once again, getting railroaded into invading a Muslim country.
— realOldTerry (@realOldTerry) January 6, 2025
Elon Musk has called for the release of Tommy Robinson and criticised the Prime Minister and Jess Phillips over the Rochdale scandal. He is also reportedly set to donate money to the Reform UK party. But should Elon Musk stay out of British politics?
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) January 3, 2025
Okay deze had-ie beter kunnen onderzoeken
Elon Musk supports terrorism. He objects to 7.5 years for man who created Southport Wake-Up Group, proposed mosque as the target, championed attacking the police their, **took part in the real world violence, carrying a knife**, and promoted the list of 40 targets for violence
— Sunder Katwala (@sundersays) January 7, 2025
We kneel with all those opposing anti-Black racism. #BlackLivesMatter
— Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) June 9, 2020
The killing of George Floyd has shone a light on racism experienced by black people in the US and beyond, including here in the UK.#PMQs
— Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) June 3, 2020
Today, I was given the privilege of accepting the Presidential Medal of Freedom on behalf of my father, @georgesoros. My father is an American patriot who has spent his life fighting for freedom and human rights. I am incredibly proud that his legacy is now recognized with our…
— Alex Soros (@AlexanderSoros) January 4, 2025
There really are still unanswered questions about the extent of the sexual abuse of children by groups of men that victims of recent years deserve answers to. The independent inquiry on child sexual abuse was explicit it could not answer that.
— Sonia Sodha (@soniasodha) January 6, 2025
Women are getting radicalised on Mumsnet
— SL (@Steve_Laws_) January 6, 2025
You know what is really bad for “racial tensions”? Pakistani Muslim paedophile rape gangs.
— Kellie-Jay Keen (@ThePosieParker) January 6, 2025
Opmerkelijk toeval dat op begint te vallen
Nou ja!
Pakistani overrepresentation in rape statistics is not just a U.K. thing. It also shows up in Germany.
— Crémieux (@cremieuxrecueil) January 6, 2025
Bad immigrant outcomes like this are less common in America, signaling that Europe is failing to adequately screen its immigrants.
Het gaat elk voorstellingsvermogen voorbij
This is a police discussion from a Channel 4 documentary regarding the Telford child sexual exploitation cases.
— Tony Dowson (@TonyDowson5) January 7, 2025
The police mention the number of suspects and the nature of the abuse:
Het is primair terrorisme, secundair zedendelict
Uit 2018: "As a Rotherham grooming gang survivor, I want people to know about the religious extremism which inspired my abusers. Sexual violence is being used as a tactic of terrorism." ⏬
— Timon Dias (@TimonDias) January 7, 2025
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