Meerderheid Tweede Kamer stemt voor discriminatie van atleten
Steken neutrale vlag in de fik
Uit het recente statement van het International Olympic Committee:
With regard to the individual athletes with Russian or Belarusian passports, the vast majority of the participants in each of the consultation calls expressed the following:
A) Strong commitment to the unifying mission of the Olympic Movement, requesting and encouraging it to live up to this unifying mission, particularly in these times of division, confrontation and war.
B) Respect the rights of all athletes to be treated without any discrimination, in accordance with the Olympic Charter. Governments must not decide which athletes can participate in which competition and which athletes cannot.
C) No athlete should be prevented from competing just because of their passport. (...)
De oorlogshitsers in de Tweede Kamer waaronder de partijen die normaal gesproken het hardst schreeuwen als het om inclusiviteit en anti-discriminatie gaat: Rusland is stom!
Ook niet onder een neutrale vlag
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