Het Probleem in 1 Tweet van 'Canadese' professor @SabreenaGS
Ja hier staat nogal wat, maar het is in ieder geval eerlijk. Eigenlijke een academische versie van NPO FunX & Co.
Zou ze de implicaties van haar eigen tekst nou begrijpen?
You know what the colonisers didn’t count on?
— Dr. Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui (@sabreenaGS) October 2, 2024
Those of us born and raised in the West - in the mothership of the colony, turning on them.
They thought we’d be forever indebted to them for their benevolence in how they imprison us.
They thought they could colonise our minds… pic.twitter.com/qOj7yENaFk
En ze draagt niet eens een hoofddoek, kun je nagaan. We rollen het perkament uit en citeren de door deze 'Canadees' geschreven pinned tweet van "Decolonial Scholar Activist | Award-Winning Public Speaker | DEI+Justice | Social/Political Media Commentator" dr. Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui:
"You know what the colonisers didn’t count on? Those of us born and raised in the West - in the mothership of the colony, turning on them. They thought we’d be forever indebted to them for their benevolence in how they imprison us. They thought they could colonise our minds like they colonised our lands. They didn’t know we’d take their gab and garb and use them as tools to free the rest. They didn’t know their empire would eventually end by implosion."
Tuurlijk, vrouwen in de sociale wetenschap zijn niet in staat tot abstract denkvermogen dat voorbij de eigen emotionele impulsen reikt. Maar zou ze nou begrijpen dat volgens haar hiermee iedereen met een aan haar gelijkende migratie-achtergrond een overt of covert subversieve, staatsgevaarlijke infiltrant is die elk zinnig land gisteren nog de grens over zou janken? Of zoals zij dat waarschijnlijk zal noemen: islamofobie.
Ideeën hebben gevolgen.
Het Trickle Down effect van de universiteit tot de straat! (Barcelona)
Immigrant hits a child and the father does nothing.
— 𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎ (@NiohBerg) October 7, 2024
Decades of society attacking healthy masculinity has led to men not even daring to protect their families. So depressing to witness.
Uitstekend betoog dit
Ethnic minorities living in Britain should be thought of as belonging to three rough groups: those who are hostile, those who are indifferent, and those who are loyal to the interests of the host. Too often, right-wing parties make the strategic blunder of pandering to minorities… pic.twitter.com/ztg7pHdPwo
— Harrison Pitt (@Harry_pitt) October 2, 2024
"When I'm weaker, I ask you for freedom, according to your principles. When I'm stronger, I take away your freedom, according to mine."
Much of modern liberalism can be described by the following Frank Herbert quote:
— Cyrus Zachary Taylor (@CyrusZachTaylor) October 7, 2024
“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”
Islam = zelf bij uitstek een koloniale ideologie
You'll never guess which was the great colonising empire immediately before the Europeans... https://t.co/FHRjp7qWs1 pic.twitter.com/6C46t743KD
— James Clark 📈📉¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (@mr_james_c) October 5, 2024
"""Dekolonisatie""" = islamisering
British “decolonisation activist” boasts about changing her school curriculum to remove “controversial white books” like “The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas” in favour of more “diverse stories.” pic.twitter.com/IgR44aS6FA
— Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼 (@DrewPavlou) September 23, 2024
hey joe wadda ya know
Anti-Israel demonstratorsin Vancouver burn and rip a Canadian flag as the crowd cheers. pic.twitter.com/mrQpFwtdaF
— Jarryd Jäger (@JarrydJaeger) October 8, 2024
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