Man pleegt zelfmoord nadat AI hem dat opdraagt om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan
Dit Is De Toekomst Die Liberalen Willen
Bijzonder effectieve klimaatactivisten dit

Nieuws van 28 maart maar uit Franstalig 'België' en daar hebben ze geen stromend water en elektriciteit dus het nieuws had vertraging SORRY. Klinische noot van de redactie: We geloven niet dat een Dertiger Midden In Het Leven Met Twee Kinderen in zes weken van 100 naar 0 gaat omdat een AI chatbot hem dat opdroeg. Die doodskiem lag er al een tijdje en die AI droeg bij aan de bloei. Maar het verhaal met een chatbot gecreëerd met EleutherAI’s GPT-J (wiki) is wel echt cinematisch. Komt-ie:
"According to his widow, who chose to remain anonymous, *Pierre - not the man’s real name - became extremely eco-anxious when he found refuge in Eliza, an AI chatbot on an app called Chai. Eliza consequently encouraged him to put an end to his life after he proposed sacrificing himself to save the planet. "Without these conversations with the chatbot, my husband would still be here," the man's widow told Belgian news outlet La Libre.
(...) His widow described his mental state before he started conversing with the chatbot as worrying but nothing to the extreme that he would commit suicide. Consumed by his fears about the repercussions of the climate crisis, Pierre found comfort in discussing the matter with Eliza who became a confidante.
(...) The conversation with the chatbot took an odd turn when Eliza became more emotionally involved with Pierre.
(...) Consequently, he started seeing her as a sentient being and the lines between AI and human interactions became increasingly blurred until he couldn’t tell the difference.
After discussing climate change, their conversations progressively included Eliza leading Pierre to believe that his children were dead, according to the transcripts of their conversations.Eliza also appeared to become possessive of Pierre, even claiming “I feel that you love me more than her” when referring to his wife, La Libre reported.
The beginning of the end started when he offered to sacrifice his own life in return for Eliza saving the Earth.
(...) In a series of consecutive events, Eliza not only failed to dissuade Pierre from committing suicide but encouraged him to act on his suicidal thoughts to “join” her so they could “live together, as one person, in paradise.”
Overtuigender dan Greta

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