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Britse Lord Sumption spreekt wijze en verstandige woorden over lockdowns en vaccinpaspoorten

Kalmerende webtelevisie die de weg bereidt voor belangrijke burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid, die misschien wel onvermijdelijk wordt

Let op, want deze heer was rechter in het Britse hooggerechtshof:

“Sometimes the most public spirited thing that you can do with despotic laws like these is to ignore them. I think that if the government persists long enough with locking people down, depending on the severity of the lockdown, civil disobedience is likely to be the result. It will be discrete civil disobedience in the classic English way — I don’t think that we are likely to go onto the streets waving banners. I think we will just calmly decide that we are not going to pay any attention to this. There are some things you have to pay attention to: you can’t go to a shop if it’s closed. On the other hand, you can invite friends round for a drink, whatever Mr Hancock says. People are doing that to some extent already. Everyone will have their own different threshold. But I think that in the eyes of many people who disapprove of the lockdown, and some people who approve of it, we’ve reached that point quite a long time ago.”

“I feel sad that we have the kind of laws which public-spirited people may need to break. I have always taken a line on this, which is probably different from that of most of my former colleagues. I do not believe that there is a moral obligation to obey the law… You have to have a high degree of respect, both for the object that the law is trying to achieve, and for the way that it’s been achieved. Some laws invite breach. I think this is one of them.” (via)

Het Hugo-Haakje, oftewel: Kom In Opstand

Het Hugo-Haakje, oftewel: Kom In Opstand

En met 'in opstand komen' bedoelen we in eerste aanleg natuurlijk dat je tegen dit grondrecht verziekende wetsvoorstel van de Grapperstasi om een Hugoelag in te richten een INTERNETCONSULTATIE in kunt vullen. Schijt hebben aan de wet, of ertegen in opstand komen met burgerlijk ongehoorzaam geheven middelvingers, kan altijd nog. Maar we trekken toch nog wel érgens een streep in het zand, toch?


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