LRAD being used now
VS Riot Round-Up dag 5: het Trump-offensief
Trump sprak gister voor het eerst het beste land ter wereld toe, en de tendens was duidelijk: ordnung muss sein. "I am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian and military, to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and arson, and to protect the rights of law-abiding Americans, including your second amendement rights. (...) Today I have strongly recommended to every government to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers, that we dominate the streets." Hoe dat er ongeveer uitzag ziet u boven- en onderstaand, en na de breek. Mooi update-overzicht bij Axios.
"This is a test of the long range acoustic device LRAD, 3, 2, 1..."
Meer LRAD-actie
Laat deze held met rust
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Rooftop Arabs
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"Can I ask you what's going to happen at 8, sir?" "What's going to happen is we're going to start beating the fuck out of you."
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As hundreds protest in Upland, tensions are now rising between Trump supporters and George Floyd Activists. Currently police are monitoring the protest.
Fishtown residents (some armed with bats) are telling a group on the other side of the street “don’t threaten our cops!” Both groups are identifying themselves as fishtown residents, but one group is armed. @6abc
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this man wasn’t even addressing the police
Trump bezoekt afgebrande St. John's Church naast White House

Maar dat kon pas gebeuren nadat demonstranten én pers met harde hand van het pad werden geveegd. Onderstaand.
Een Australische nieuwsploeg krijgt ervan langs
SHOCKING: to see members of the media also taking direct, *intentional* punches and swings from police as they cleared the streets of protesters outside the White House. #protest #Washington #WashingtonDCProtest #PictureOfTheDay
Zoals gezien door de Australische kijker
Here’s how this scene was viewed live in Australia. One of America’s closest and most dependable allies. Rendered speechless. Just watch.
Watch this. Side-by-side. Left: Trump's gestapo military police viciously attacking peaceful protestors. Right: His pathetic photo op.
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SUV rijdt door politiebarricade
#BREAKING: Video shows SUV plowing into officers at Floyd protest in Buffalo, New York, running over at least 1, then speeding away
Twee gewonden, "serious but non-life threatening".
Politieagent wordt keihard aangereden
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Nog een officer down
Officer down on Madison Avenue, NYC. This is a disgrace. This needs to stop. now.…
Blue Lives Matter
Now we have the full story: this police officer unholstered his weapon only after his supervisor was nearly killed with a brick. #FactsMatter
Doen ze vaker: The Purge anthem
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Someone actually played The Purge announcement on speakers in the Bronx , New York…
Van pulls up and gives the purge speech on burnside
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Hearts and minds!
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National Guard Blackhawks en Lakota's boven demonstranten
Wow. Blackhawk helicopters flying low in DC and appear to be using downdraft to disperse peaceful protestors. NBC’s @jackiebensen video:
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The scene at the Utah Capitol right now as protests continue in SLC. A Blackhawk helicopter has circled over for the past hour
Dem birds be stacked

Een 'whitelash', zoals Van Jones dat (en Trumps verkiezing) noemt
Philly construction workers got fed up with all the looting the past few nights
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Demonstrant schiet vrouw dood, naar verluidt
This woman’s sister was shot and killed by a protestor in Davenport, Iowa. The pain coming from her voice in this video is just heartbreaking.
Protesters had begged officers to take a knee. One walked up in the middle of the crowd and did it and other officers followed. Crowd swarmed and hugged them (@wfaa)
Greatest nation on earth don't @ me
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Niet recent maar wel geil doe er uw voordeel mee
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Nickelodeon mengt zich
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This we'll defend
Ramirez, form a perimeter around the eggslut

Tucker C. gisteren
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