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Veel beterschap. Influencer heeft motorongeluk

Een tragedie in vier aktes. Onderstaand, toen het leven Tiffany Mitchell nog toelachte en de koude willekeur van het universum haar bestaan nog niet voorgoed veranderde.

Maar toen: rampspoed. Waarom goede mensen slechte dingen overkomt? Wie zal het zeggen. Maar Tiff verdiende dit niet, zoveel is zeker.

En zo ziet u maar weer. Het leven is kort en fragiel. Dus lach, leef, heb lief en drink Glaceau Smartwater: gedestilleerd water met toegevoegde minerale zouten.

En wat denk je? Tattoo ook nog helemaal geschaafd na die flinke smakker. Gelukkig weet Ian White Tattoo Nashville, TN daar wel raad mee!

Vrouw naar ons hart: rug recht en onwrikbaar

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I’ve been figuring out how to respond to everything that’s unfolded recently regarding the post I shared 3 weeks ago about my moto accident. I won’t get into that post here (see my Moto Accident story highlight for all the details), but I want to talk about the reactions I’ve been getting to the article @buzzfeednews posted sensationalizing what I went through that day, and making a mockery of the post I shared. As a result, I’ve been accused of staging the accident to get attention, using it as a product placement opportunity with a water company, and other things I can’t even wrap my head around. I’ve been sharing real life stories here since I started my account. I’ve opened up about miscarriage, divorce, anxiety, losing my partner in a moto accident 3 years ago, and navigating the grief that followed. I’ve chosen to use Instagram as a tool for healing and connecting with other humans who may be going through similar things so we can do it together. And it’s been beautiful. When I work with brands, they’re ones I personally enjoy, and I disclose every single sponsorship. Accusing someone of faking or exploiting an accident is extremely serious—because what if you’re wrong? It really happened to me, and I was scared. I really was injured and had to recover. I was in shock laying on the side of the road, having flashbacks to when I lost someone very important to me. Friends were by my side, strangers called an ambulance, waited while I was checked out and then gave me a ride home. When I found out my professional photographer friend who I’d been shooting with earlier took photos of everything, I was completely moved. I shared this on my feed with humans who have been on a journey with me for years because I knew they would understand what it meant to me and I understood what it would mean to them. I’m sad that something so true and personal has been treated this way, and disappointed in BuzzFeed for spinning it there. I would just ask that if you’re here because of this, consider that the post I made was something real that happened in my life that resonated deeply with me and those who have chosen to follow me. That’s what it was intended for. 💛🌾

A post shared by Tiffany / 👻 tifforelie (@tifforelie) on


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