Volle Kracht VrijMiBo
Hij rende weg, maar ontkwam niet,
en werd getroffen, en stierf, achttien jaar oud.
Een strijdbaar opschrift roept van alles,
maar uit een bruin geëmailleerd portret
kijkt een bedrukt en stil gezicht.
Een kind nog. Dag lieve jongen.
Gij, die koning zijt, dit en dat, wat niet al,
ja ja, kom er eens om,
Gij weet waarom het is, ik niet.
Dat Koninkrijk van U, weet U wel, wordt dat nog wat?
Prettig weekend. En be nice.
VrijMiBo *kuch*
I keep falling in love
with my mother,
I dont want to hurt her
-Of all people to hurt.
Every time I see her
she's grown older
But her uniform always
amazes me
For its Dutch simplicity
And the Doll she is,
The doll-like way
she stands
Bowlegged in my dreams,
Waiting to serve me.
And I am only an Apache
Smoking Hashi
In old Cabashy
By the Lamp.
Prettig weekend. En be nice.
Trap De VrijMiBo Af
This could be the town you're from,
marked only by what it's near.
The gas station man speaks of weather
and the high school football team
just as you knew he would—
kind to strangers, happy to live here.
Tell yourself it doesn't matter now,
you're only driving through.
Past the sagging, empty porches
locked up tight to travelers' stares,
toward the great dark of the fields,
your headlights startle a flock of
old love letters—still undelivered,
enroute for years.
Prettig weekend. En be nice.
VrijMiBo aan de Horizon
De horizon is de taal, de taal die ik word
geacht te delen met
het verminkte kind,
met de jongeling die soldaat geworden is
en zo fier op zijn laarzen,
met de grijsaard met zijn gescheurde darmen
in zijn armen.
De stemmen van mijn land
meestal in de televisie.
Moordzuchtige families.
Misdadig gezang.
En alom de bloedslurpende goden
Prettig weekend. En be nice.
De VrijMiBo Blijft Populier
Why do you shiver there
Between the white river and the road?
You are not cold,
With the sun light dreaming about you;
And yet you lift your pliant supplicating arms as though
To draw clouds from the sky to hide your slenderness.
You are a young girl
Trembling in the throes of ecstatic modesty,
A white objective girl
Whose clothing has been forcibly taken away from her.
Prettig weekend. En be nice.
VrijMiBo op bezoek
Er is altijd een zonderling
die mij wil spreken,
bijvoorbeeld als ik uien sta te bakken,
gezouten kaantjes of tout court spek.
Die zonderling is God.
Hij belt nooit aan.
Hij komt mijn keuken zomaar binnen,
neemt mij de pan uit de handen.
O Veni, Veni Creator!
Alles brandt aan.
Want God houdt niet van orde,
niet van regelmaat, heeft geen gezag.
De vlam in de pan. Precies zijn schepping:
te veel hartstocht en te weinig maat.
Prettig weekend. En be nice.
VrijMiBo on the rocks
ik geloof in een rivier
die stroomt van zee naar de bergen
ik vraag van poëzie niet meer
dan die rivier in kaart te brengen
ik wil geen water uit de rotsen slaan
maar ik wil water naar de rotsen dragen
droge zwarte rots
wordt blauwe waterrots
maar de kranten willen het anders
willen droog en zwart van koppen staan
werpen dammen op en dwingen
Prettig weekend. En be nice.
VrijMiBo, maar hou het netjes
Delight is as the flight—
Or in the Ratio of it,
As the Schools would say—
The Rainbow's way—
A Skein
Flung colored, after Rain,
Would suit as bright,
Except that flight
Were Aliment—
"If it would last"
I asked the East,
When that Bent Stripe
Struck up my childish
And I, for glee,
Took Rainbows, as the common way,
And empty Skies
The Eccentricity—
And so with Lives—
And so with Butterflies—
Seen magic—through the fright
That they will cheat the sight—
And Dower latitudes far on—
Some sudden morn—
Our portion— in the fashion—
Done –
Prettig weekend. En be nice.
Boeren VrijMiBo
The king may rule o’er land and sea,
The lord may live right royally,
The soldier ride in pomp and pride,
The sailor roam o’er ocean wide;
But this or that, whate’er befall,
The farmer he must feed them all.
The writer thinks, the poet sings,
The craftsmen fashion wondrous things,
The doctor heals, the lawyer pleads,
The miner follows the precious leads;
But this or that, whate’er befall,
The farmer he must feed them all.
The merchant he may buy and sell,
The teacher do his duty well;
But men may toil through busy days,
Or men may stroll through pleasant ways;
From king to beggar, whate’er befall,
The farmer he must feed them all.
The farmer’s trade is one of worth;
He’s partner with the sky and earth,
He’s partner with the sun and rain,
And no man loses for his gain;
And men may rise, or men may fall,
But the farmer he must feed them all.
God bless the man who sows the wheat,
Who finds us milk and fruit and meat;
May his purse be heavy, his heart be light,
His cattle and corn and all go right;
God bless the seeds his hands let fall,
For the farmer he must feed us all.
De VrijMiBo bespuit bruggen
Tell me,
Was Venus more beautiful
Than you are,
When she topped
The crinkled waves,
Drifting shoreward
On her plaited shell?
Was Botticelli’s vision
Fairer than mine;
And were the painted rosebuds
He tossed his lady
Of better worth
Than the words I blow about you
To cover your too great loveliness
As with a gauze
Of misted silver?
For me,
You stand poised
In the blue and buoyant air,
Cinctured by bright winds,
Treading the sunlight.
And the waves which precede you
Ripple and stir
The sands at my feet.
Prettig weekend! En be nice.