Over 50 Iranian-Backed Militants were killed, and at least a dozen Military Trucks and Technicals were destroyed yesterday in the Deir ez-Zor Governorate of Eastern Syria, after a Convoy entering from Iraq was targeted by several A-10 “Warthog” Close-Air Support Attack Aircraft…
'Rebellen' hebben vrijwel geheel Aleppo in handen, Rusland voert luchtaanvallen op, VS zet 'Warthog' in tegen Iraanse clubs
Een carnaval van ongemak
Klein extraatje voor het kontgat van de aarde dat Syrië momenteel is. Het regeringsleger van Assad stort in, jihadisten ('rebellen') hebben de helft van Aleppo in handen, christenen zijn hun leven niet meer zeker, Assad bestrijdt terreurgroepen met terreur, Israël bestookt Iraanse milities, Rusland voert luchtaanvallen uit, in het noorden zitten nog Koerden, de door Turkije gesteunde SNA-rebellen en vannacht heeft Amerika maar weer eens luchtaanvallen uitgevoerd. In het oosten van Syrië, op Iraanse en door Iran gesteunde faciliteiten, met het gruwelijkste vliegtuig in de geschiedenis van de luchtvaart: de Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II, de Warthog: "Over 50 Iranian-Backed Militants were killed, and at least a dozen Military Trucks and Technicals were destroyed yesterday in the Deir ez-Zor Governorate of Eastern Syria, after a Convoy entering from Iraq was targeted by several A-10 “Warthog” Close-Air Support Attack Aircraft of the U.S. Air Force. In addition, several Iranian Sites near the Town of al-Mayadin were also targeted by Coalition Aircraft, resulting in the destruction of a Command Center and Barracks." Brrrrrrrt! Het is kiezen tussen kwaden, tussen terreur en terrorisme, tussen hel en verdoemenis. En: "It is too soon to write the Assad regime off. It has a core of genuine support. Some Syrians see it as the least bad option – better than the jihadists who came to dominate the rebellion. But if other anti-Assad groups – and there are many – rise up, his regime will once again be in mortal danger." Spannend.
Handige draad
1/ Developments in Syria going so fast that reports become obsolete moments later. I've reported from inside Syria since 2011 and I live in the MidEast. So, let me explain in this thread what the implications could be for Syria and wider region in case the Syrian regime falls:
BREAKING: Iran-backed militia forces cross from Iraq into Syria
#Syria MAP UPDATE: the situation in Syria as of 01/12/2024. After almost five years of frozen frontlines the #Assad regime has collapsed all over the northwest. Rebel forces captured #Aleppo city and advanced as far south as N Hama Download larger file: mediafire.com/file/oqaq78v1e…
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