KIJKEN - Trump 3 uur zonder edits bij Joe Rogan. CNN: "Trump kan naast Kiescollege óók Popular Vote winnen, als slechts 3e Republikein in 36 jaar"
Gisteren zelfs voor het eerst heel even GELIJKSPEL in het gemiddelde van alle popular vote-peilingen. Trump nog altijd op een gemiddelde 0,9% voorsprong in de zeven Swing States. Nog 11 dagen te gaan.
If Trump wins the national popular vote, he’ll be only the 2nd Republican to do so in 20 years, and the 3rd in 36
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) October 25, 2024
Z'n langste en grootste podcast tot nu toe: 3 uur lang zonder edits en binnen zes uur al bijna 5,5 miljoen views op YouTube alleen. Rogan zegt dat zijn uitnodiging aan Kamala nog altijd onverminderd staat en er nog steeds een mogelijkheid is dat ze langskomt. Zelf vermoeden we dat dit er niet meer van gaat komen.
Nathan Zilvers daglezing: "Despite national polls from NYT/Siena and CNN showing a tied national race — probably implying a challenging environment for Kamala Harris in the Electoral College — there’s basically no change in our forecast. (...) Although NYT’s polls are rated very highly; a tie is not very different from our national polling average, which had already shown Harris’s lead down to just 1.3 points, and, (3) NYT has often shown comparatively bad national numbers for Harris, so these were in line with the model’s expectations. It’s definitely been a good couple of weeks of polling for Trump. We just don’t think there’s a lot of incremental reason to change your view of the race based on the past 24 hours of polling."
Vanavond om 18:00 trouwens Trumps VP JD Vance bij de fenomenale Tim Dillon.
Nog een tegenslag voor Kamala: The Washinton Post wilde haar formeel endorsen, maar eigenaar Jeff Bezos heeft dat verboden. Veel meer beeld, vertier en weetjes na de breek.
Onderstaand een aantal Rogan-fragmentjes die hard gaan op Twitter
Trump said he told Kim Jong Un to just “chill out” on the nuclear missles and suggested he “just go to the beach” or build some waterfront condos in North Korea instead
— Ashley St. Clair (@stclairashley) October 26, 2024
This is the best 2 minutes of the Rogan-Trump podcast.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 26, 2024
TRUMP: "I don't know why the media are so obsessed with me"
ROGAN: "I do. Because you say crazy shit"
The rest is pure comedy gold. Amazing. Just amazing.
🚨TRUMP: "I want to be a whale psychiatrist." 🐳
— Autism Capital 🧩 (@AutismCapital) October 26, 2024
I can’t help myself this is all so good. Trump on tariffs, and he has accurate historical knowledge about the late 19th century and President McKinley…
— FischerKing (@FischerKing64) October 26, 2024
This is the man who is supposedly ignorant! Ask Kamala who McKinley even was! What a tariff is!
🚨TRUMP: Joe, you cannot be voting for Kamala. You're not a Kamala person. I know you. I've watched you. I know you better than your wife. I've watched you for so many years. You're not a Kamala person, you're a Khabib person."
— Autism Capital 🧩 (@AutismCapital) October 26, 2024
ROGAN: "Your weave is getting wide." 😂😂😂
Rogan: Being a president is the most dangerous job, especially for you.
— The Redheaded libertarian (@TRHLofficial) October 26, 2024
Trump: Biden will be fine, they only target consequential presidents.
Not even 10 minutes in and Trump is giving Joe Rogan a history lesson on Lincoln…
— Geiger Capital (@Geiger_Capital) October 26, 2024
This is incredible. Pure Americana.
Trump: Can you imagine Kamala doing this show?
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) October 26, 2024
Rogan: I could imagine her doing this show.
Trump: She'd be laying on the floor.
Rogan: She was supposed to do it. And she might still do it. I hope she does.
Trump: She's not gonna do it.
Rogan: I will talk to her like a…
Joe Rogan appears in new TikTok video with Trump, teasing their upcoming conversation.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) October 26, 2024
“We just wrapped up a great podcast.”
The Michigan crowd just ROARED in cheers after Trump gave a big shoutout to Joe Rogan.
— George (@BehizyTweets) October 26, 2024
By the way, how is this guy 78? He gave a big speech in Austin about the border, then went to Rogan's studio and filmed a three-hour interview, and now he's in northern Michigan doing a rally…
Wel echt onvermoeibaar ja
Love him or hate him, this is insanely impressive.
— Eoghan McCabe (@eoghan) October 25, 2024
Gen Ziet zichzelf in Trump!
39% of Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2012) said Trump's McDonald’s shift made them like him somewhat or much more.
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) October 25, 2024
That’s significantly more than the 23% who said the shift made them like Trump less, while 38% said it did not impact how much they like him.
Nieuwe MAGA Aesthetic voor de laatse 10 dagen: Black & Gold
Black overcoat, gold tie, black and gold MAGA hat. Peak Trump aesthetic.
— Nathan | Classical Conservative (@TheClassicalCon) October 26, 2024
DNC transitiespijt
CNN loses it after Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary points out that Kamala Harris was not actually
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) October 25, 2024
Om 18:00 in première: VP JD Vance bij Tim Dillon
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