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Onderzoekers: "Stop met term 'longcovid', nasleep niet erger dan normale griep"

Alweer een woord verboden door WOKE

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Staat niet in De Andere Krant hè, maar in de keurige Guardian. En dan is het ook nog eens een studie onder 5.112 mensen uit de strafkolonie die coronawaanzin had geperfectioneerd: Australië. 

"Long Covid may be no different from other post-viral syndromes such as those experienced after flu, according to new research from Queensland Health. The lead author of the study, the state’s chief health officer Dr John Gerrard, said it was “time to stop using terms like ‘long Covid’” because they imply there is something unique about the longer-term symptoms associated with the virus, and in some cases create hypervigilance.

(...) The results of the study, which Gerrard will present next month at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Barcelona, found no evidence that those who had Covid-19 were more likely to have functional limitations a year on compared with those who did not have Covid-19 (3.0% v 4.1%). The 3% of the study participants who had ongoing impairments after Covid-19 infection was similar to the 3.4% with ongoing impairments after influenza."

Laat natuurlijk wel onverlet dat zonder corona die 3% nu geen aanhoudende symptomen zou hebben, en dat het echt heel vervelend is als je die wel hebt. Bedankt vleermuizenmarkt direct naast het *checks notes* Wuhan Institute of Virology!

En dat op Long Covid Awareness Day! (Gisteren)

"The name of the disease, is on the building"


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