Apple helpt binnenkort met de beste bedoelingen uw iCloud en iMessage privacy om zeep
Dienstmededeling voor alle iOS'ers!

Okay, vrij technisch verhaal, dus we citeren gewoon lekker sec in de taal van de techniek. Maar het komt er op neer dat Apple binnenkort al uw automatische iCloud-uploads tegen een kinderporno-database houdt. En foto's en berichten verstuurd via iMessage door en naar minderjarigen per machine learning op het toestel zelf worden getoetst op vunzigheid. Bij kinderen onder de 13 worden de ouders bij een rode vlag ingelicht als het toestel onderdeel uitmaakt van een Apple familie-account. Kortom, de beste bedoelingen, maar. En dat terwijl Apple voorheen een kampioen van end-to-end versleuteling was.
**Dat iCloud ding
**Is dus een " feature that will scan all photos as they get uploaded into iCloud Photos to see if they match a photo in the database of known child sexual abuse material (CSAM) maintained by the National Center for Missing&Exploited Children (NCMEC). The other feature scans all iMessage images sent or received by child accounts—that is, accounts designated as owned by a minor—for sexually explicit material, and if the child is young enough, notifies the parent when these images are sent or received. This feature can be turned on or off by parents."
Dat iMessage ding
Bestaat dus uit "two kinds of notifications based on scanning photos sent or received by iMessage. To implement these notifications, Apple will be rolling out an on-device machine learning classifier designed to detect “sexually explicit images.” According to Apple, these features will be limited (at launch) to U.S. users under 18 who have been enrolled in a Family Account. In these new processes, if an account held by a child under 13 wishes to send an image that the on-device machine learning classifier determines is a sexually explicit image, a notification will pop up, telling the under-13 child that their parent will be notified of this content. If the under-13 child still chooses to send the content, they have to accept that the “parent” will be notified, and the image will be irrevocably saved to the parental controls section of their phone for the parent to view later. For users between the ages of 13 and 17, a similar warning notification will pop up, though without the parental notification.
Similarly, if the under-13 child receives an image that iMessage deems to be “sexually explicit”, before being allowed to view the photo, a notification will pop up that tells the under-13 child that their parent will be notified that they are receiving a sexually explicit image. Again, if the under-13 user accepts the image, the parent is notified and the image is saved to the phone. Users between 13 and 17 years old will similarly receive a warning notification, but a notification about this action will not be sent to their parent’s device."
Heuvel, ontmoet groene zeep. En mission, ontmoet creep

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