FOTO! Maar wat is het?
Gevonden bij de Internationale Highlights van de ANP-bak
A) Sanna Elkadiri, zeven dagen later: "Nee geen bijwerkingen"
B) Freek de Jonge (184) lanceert nieuwe show
**C) **Lodewijk Asscher, Lilianne Ploumen en Attje Kuiken (vlnr)
D) Joe Biden op 14 februari 2032, die lul leeft nog steeds!
E) Dansleraar Willem Engel geeft cursus 'dansen op je graf'
F) Klaas Dijkhoff & Thierry Aartsen gaan helemaal naar de tering tijdens carnaval
G) Vaccinatieconcert Rolling Stones groot succes
H) JJ van Peperstraten (midden) drijft nieuwe variant uit, m.b.v. de pik van God
I) Een of ander zuipfeest in Macedonië want daar mogen ze wel dingen
J) Anders, namelijk...
Antwoord na de klik.
"Costumed people take part on the first day of a carnival celebration marking the Orthodox St. Vasilij Day in the village of Vevcani, Republic of North Macedonia, 13 January 2021. The Vevcani Carnival is one of the most famous village festivals in the Balkans. It is believed that the custom is over 1,400 years old and based on old pagan beliefs. Essentially the carnival is the ritual of calling after Saint Basil the Great, which coincides with the Twelve Days of the Orthodox Christmas and the Orthodox New Year. The festivity is held on 13 and 14 January every year. People in Vevcanci believe that with their masks they banish evil spirits. The participants of the carnival are known as Vasilicari. The highlights of the carnival include a political satire where masked villagers act out current events. In 1993, the carnival and the village of Vevcani officially became a part of the World Federation of Carnival Cities."
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