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Coke-cartels helemaal geen last van coronacrisis

Eerlijke ondernemers niet stuk te krijgen.

Ja, weet je, vraag, aanbod en creativiteit. Veel meer is er niet nodig. "Wie van de autoriteiten deze route blokkeert, gaat slapen," aldus een Colombiaanse vacaturetekst. Journalistencollectief Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) tekende de situatie eventjes uitgebreid op, en concludeerde dat Rashid nog altijd sneller is dan Domino's. "OCCRP reporters have found that the world’s cocaine industry — which produces close to 2,000 metric tons a year and makes tens of billions of dollars — has adapted better than many other legitimate businesses. (...) What is clear is that cocaine continues to flow from South America to Europe and North America. Closed trafficking routes have been replaced with new ones, and street deals have been substituted with door-to-door deliveries."

Maar goed, Rotterdam staat er ook weer gekleurd op. "Despite the large number of seizures, drug dealers throughout Europe are not seeing major disruptions to their cocaine supply. (...) In the large northern European ports of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, and Antwerp, in Belgium, cocaine continues to arrive as before, hidden in shipments of legal consumer goods, according to local authorities." En Schiphol was natuurlijk al een half crackpand, maar de huidige situatie biedt de global narco state **nog meer kansen. "With economies in distress and many businesses facing ruin, cash-rich narcos may be able to cheaply buy their way into an even bigger share of the legitimate economy." Zo ziet u maar, overwinningspoeder kent geen verliezers.


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