Now with English subtitles: GSTV interview with European Commission Whistleblower in hiding
Specially to share with all your international acquaintances!
GeenStijllezers zijn de beste lezers, dat is maar weer eens bewezen toen wij de afgelopen dagen maar liefst twee complete Engelse ondertitelingen van ons interview met EU-klokkenluider Roelie Post ontvingen. Dus vandaar nog even in de herhaling, zodat u dit ook met al uw kennissen in buitenlandië kunt delen. Heel veel internethartjes voor de anonieme vertalert!
Roelie Post is a whistleblower who has worked more than 35 years for the European Commission, but has recently been fired because she refused to put up with the threats and bullying she has received after exposing a child trafficking scandal in Romania. Instead of helping this whistleblower, as the European Commission propagates, the EC fired Ms. Post and is now demanding repayment of her salary. Click on the subtitle icon in the above video to view with English subtitles and please share this video to spread her message.
Now also with Spanish and German subtitles!
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