Hoofd Joodse gemeenschap (alle 7) Damascus, Syrië "loopt rond als rockster" en "kan niet weg want is womanizer en al z'n vrouwen wonen hier"
Wat nou oorlog
Ook daar kun je blijkbaar prima wonen zolang je je niet met politiek bemoeit! Ontmoet Bakhour Chamntoub, hoofd van de joodse gemeenschap in Damascus - alle zeven. Zelfverklaard 'de beste kleermaker van Damascus', de hele halve Oude Stad lijkt hem te kennen en hij groet iedereen als rockster. Kan dus allemaal gewoon nog steeds onder Al-Shaara's nieuwe bewind, zelfs als Israël gisteren nog luchtaanvallen uitvoerde op achtergelaten Assad-pantservoertuigen in Zuid-Syrië.
"He says he can't leave Syria because he's a womanizer and 'all my girls are here.' (...) he hailed out to people like he was a rock star."
We walked down Al Amin street, the heart of the old Jewish quarter of Damascus, and he hailed out to people like he was a rock star. This is his Palestinian friend Nizar al-Aswad. 'I am the Palestinian resistance, and he is the Jewish spy,' Nizar joked. pic.twitter.com/SVMEZXEHdo
— Neil Hauer (@NeilPHauer) February 18, 2025
Eind december
Syria's tiny Jewish community—now just nine members strong—revisits the 2,700-year-old synagogue in Jobar, Damascus, heavily damaged by the Assad regime.
— Ihab Hassan (@IhabHassane) December 30, 2024
It’s great to see Syrian Jews returning to Syria. pic.twitter.com/rqmXkdCkpl
Ho maar dit loopt uit de hand!
Syrian Jews return to visit their homes in Damascus for the first time in decades.
— Syrian Emergency Task Force (@syrianetf) February 18, 2025
Facilitated by SETF, this latest delegation marks a new chapter for post-Assad Syria, one that welcomes all religions and sects. #Syria #syrianjews #syriajewishcommunity pic.twitter.com/7ebFMXRhUb
Syrian American Jewish are back home pic.twitter.com/zCXh2Xn5fS
— Bassam Barabandi بسام بربندي (@BASSAMVA) February 18, 2025
While in Damascus a random Syrian man noticed that the Syrian Jewish Rabbi was back from the United States to his hometown of Damascus. It was so beautiful to hear him and other Syrians on the street greet the Syrian Jewish community express how happy they are to see them home… pic.twitter.com/ueCa62Dqpf
— Mouaz Moustafa (@SoccerMouaz) February 18, 2025
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