Etnoculturele rellen VK: geweld over en weer, 150 arrestaties, Starmer houdt nood-'Cobra meetings'
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Even een korte samenvatting in tekst voordat de beelden het werk mogen doen. Enerzijds: inheemse vandalen zetten vluchtelingen'hotels' in brand, belagen moskeeën, zetten politiebureaus in brand, belagen niet-blanke Britten en plunderen winkels. Anderzijds: overwegend islamitisch-Pakistaanse vandalen belagen blanke Britten.
Waar dit uiteindelijk begon? Dat ligt er een beetje aan of je het vraagt aan Leo Lucassen, de duizenden blanke slachtoffers van Pakistaanse grooming gangs of de meest invloedrijke Brits-Pakistaanse vertegenwoordiger Mohammed Hijab die zegt dat de islam om verovering draait.
Er zijn inmiddels zo'n 150 arrestaties verricht en premier Keith Starmer houdt zogeheten 'Cobra Meetings', Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms Meetings bedoeld om nationale crisissen te bezweren. In zijn eerste toespraak over de kwestie zei Starmer o.a.: "People in this country have a right to be safe, and yet we've seen Muslim communities targeted, attacks on mosques. (...) Other minority communities singled out, Nazi salutes in the street, attacks on the police, wanton violence alongside racist rhetoric, so no, I won't shy away from calling it what it is: far-right thuggery."
Ook benadrukt hij dat vandalen per snelrecht berecht zullen worden en "spijt zullen krijgen" van hun acties. Veel meer beeld na de breek.
UPDATE 11:12 - "There's always a ginger convert".
Pakistaanse bendes vallen 'lone whites' aan
Blanke bendes vallen 'lone non-whites' aan
Mosques have been targeted in Southport, Hartlepool and Sunderland.
— Dilly Hussain (@DillyHussain88) August 3, 2024
Asian man walking alone was punched by a rioter in Hartlepool while others laughed at him.
Asian Uber driver was attacked in Sunderland by a mob while a van driven by a white man was left alone.
Pakistaanse bendes vallen 'lone white' aan
Blanke vandalen ras-checken automobilisten
#Middlesbrough asking if the drivers are white to let them through..if not they're going nowhere.
— ✨️ Kittie Hill ✨️ (@KittieHill) August 4, 2024
Genuinely scared for my town
Pakistaanse ordetroepen
Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, England — A mob of the "Muslim patrol" carry melee weapons as they assault white people in the streets who are accused of being linked to the earlier anti-mass migration protest.
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) August 4, 2024
The clashes have led to cars being set on fire and buildings smashed…
Blanke vandalen plunderen winkels
Hull, East Yorkshire, England Aug. 3 — Youths looted a Lush cosmetics store amid the riot over mass migration.
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) August 4, 2024
The looting of businesses during acts of political violence mirrors the BLM looting in the U.S. in 2020, in which people were seen stealing HDTVs and other…
Nog meer islamitische ordetroepen
Bolton, Manchester, England Aug. 4 — Members of the "Muslim patrol" gathered outside a mosque ready to kill anyone who crosses them.
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) August 4, 2024
At around 8 seconds in, one of the men was recorded readying a blade.
Starmers toespraak
I utterly condemn the far-right thuggery we have seen this weekend.
— Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) August 4, 2024
Be in no doubt: those who have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law.
'When BLM riots happened in 2020, the media coverage was all asking the question "why do black people feel the way they feel?" but no one seems to be prepared to ask these questions this group of people.'
— GB News (@GBNEWS) August 4, 2024
Sunil Sharma, on how to stop the ongoing riots in the UK.
Meest invloedrijke Pakistaans-Britse vertegenwoordiger: "Islam draait om verovering"
— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) June 17, 2024
Mohammed Hijab:
"The reason why you have to fight them, is because they are Jews and Christians.”
“You should fight them till they give you Jizya (a tax paid from non Muslims to Muslims).”
“There is no conceivability of peace between Muslims and…
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