New York Times: Haniyeh niet gedood door raket, maar door twee maanden vooraf geplaatste bom in gasthuis Islamitische Revolutionaire Garde
Wat een onvoorstelbare observatie- bewegings- en operatievrijheid hebben Israëlische assets blijkbaar midden in Teheran
Trailer Israëlische serie: Teheran
Twee maanden (!) van te voren in exact (!) Haniyes gastkamer in een gastverblijf van het Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (!) zelf. De New York Times tekent door getuigenissen van zeven "Midden-Oosten officials" waarvan twee Iraans en een Amerikaans het volgende verhaal op:
"The bomb had been hidden approximately two months ago in the guesthouse (...). The guesthouse is run and protected by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and is part of a large compound, known as Neshat, in an upscale neighborhood of northern Tehran. The bomb was detonated remotely once it was confirmed that he was inside his room at the guesthouse. The blast also killed a bodyguard.
(...) As it turns out, the assassins were able to exploit a different kind of gap in Iran’s defenses: a lapse in the security of a supposedly tightly guarded compound that allowed a bomb to be planted and to remain hidden for many weeks before it would eventually be triggered.
Such a breach, three Iranian officials said, was a catastrophic failure of intelligence and security for Iran and a tremendous embarrassment for the Guards, which uses the compound for retreats, secret meetings and housing prominent guests like Mr. Haniyeh.
How the bomb was stashed in the guesthouse remained unclear. The Middle Eastern officials said that the planning for the assassination took months and required extensive surveillance of the compound. The two Iranian officials who described the nature of the assassination said they did not know how or when the explosives were planted in the room.
(...) The compound is staffed with a medical team which rushed to the room immediately after the explosion. The team declared that Mr. Haniyeh had died immediately. The team tried to revive the bodyguard, but he, too, was dead.
The leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, was staying next door, two of the Iranian officials said. His room was not badly damaged, suggesting precise planning in the targeting of Mr. Haniyeh.
Khalil al-Hayya, the deputy commander of Hamas in the Gaza Strip who was also in Tehran, arrived at the scene and saw his colleague’s body, according to the five Middle Eastern officials."
Echt onvoorstelbaar dit, eigenlijk.
lol wow
Niv Sultan, who stars as a Mossad agent in the TV show "Tehran," posted this video after the news of Haniyeh's assassination.
— Elder of Ziyon 🇮🇱 (@elderofziyon) August 1, 2024
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