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VS waarschuwt Israël: "Iran kan binnen 24 tot 48 uur wraakaanval lanceren"

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Wall Street Journal schrijft: "Israel is preparing for a direct attack from Iran on southern or northern Israel as soon as the next 24 to 48 hours, according to a person familiar with the matter. (...) A U.S. official with knowledge of the matter said Thursday that American intelligence reports indicate an Iranian retaliatory strike within days, “possibly on Israeli soil” as opposed to Israeli interests elsewhere."

Ja, we horen dus al elke 24 tot 48 uur dat de aanval de komende 24 tot 48 plaats zou kunnen vinden. De VS sprak drie dagen geleden zelfs nog van een "imminent attack". Maar dat geloofden we toen niet, en nu ook niet.

Tussen de regels door is de Iraanse twijfel onmiskenbaar. WSJ in hetzelfde artikel: "A person briefed by the Iranian leadership, however, said that while plans to attack are being discussed, no final decision has been made.

En zelfs als het wel aanvalt, doet Iran dat op een zo 'de-escalerend' mogelijke manier, enkel om gezicht te redden in de ogen van de eigen bevolking - exact zoals het deed na Trumps liquidatie van Soleimani.

Reuters vandaag: "Iran has signalled to Washington that it will respond to Israel's attack on its Syrian embassy in a way that aims to avoid major escalation and it will not act hastily, as Tehran presses demands including a Gaza truce, Iranian sources said. (...) The diplomatic messaging points to a cautious approach by Iran as it weighs how to respond to the April 1 attack in a way that deters Israel from further such actions, but avoids a military escalation that could suck in the United States."

Iran lijkt daarentegen wel momentum te hebben in hun race richting nucleaire wapens. Washington Post: "While Iran says it has no plans to make nuclear weapons, it now has a supply of highly enriched uranium that could be converted to weapons-grade fuel for at least three bombs in a time frame ranging from a few days to a few weeks, current and former officials said. The making of a crude nuclear device could follow in as little as six months after a decision is made, while overcoming the challenges of building a nuclear warhead deliverable by a missile would take longer, perhaps two years or more, the officials said."

Update - CBS News zegt: VANDAAG. "Two U.S. officials told CBS News that a major Iranian attack against Israel was expected as soon as Friday, possibly to include more than 100 drones and dozens of missiles aimed at military targets inside the country. The official said it would be challenging for the Israelis to defend against an attack of such a magnitude." De VS heeft de Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group en een aantal coalitieschepen al opnieuw in positie gebracht om zoveel mogelijk te kunnen onderscheppen.
Update 14:50 - Bloombergs White House-correspondent zojuist: "NEWS: Assessment is that Iran attack could be missile attack directly from Iran, sources told. Government facilities in Israel are the expected targets. The move hasn’t been approved by Tehran’s highest-ranking officials, but attack expected."
Update 18:05 - Iran waarschuwt VS tegen inmenging: "Iran sent a message to the Biden administration through several Arab countries earlier this week: if the U.S. gets involved in the fighting between Israel and Iran, U.S. forces in the region will be attacked, three U.S. officials told Axios."
Update 18:16 - Zie onderstaande video van 'readiness posture' en dit soort dingen: "Channel 14 in Israel is reporting that an “Advanced Missile Ship” with the U.S. Navy, likely an Arleigh Burke-Class Guided-Missile Destroyer, has arrived off the Coast of Israel to assist with the Interception of Missiles and Drones launched by Iranian and/or Iranian-Backed Proxy Groups against Israel."
Update 18:29 - Nog meer Amerikaanse troepen! "The Defense Department is moving additional assets to the Middle East region “to bolster regional deterrence efforts and increase force protection for US forces,” a US defense official told CNN."
Update 19:30 - Er gaat vanalles aan afweer de lucht in, in het noorden van Israel. Mogelijk om de Iron Doompjes uit te putten voor ZE BIG ONE.

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@Spartacus | 12-02-25 | 11:01 | 371 reacties

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