BREAKING: White House: President Trump to travel to military hospital after COVID-19 diagnosis, remain for 'few days' on advice of doctors.
Trump overgebracht naar militair ziekenhuis
Uit voorzorg. Later meer.
"President Donald Trump will spend a “few days” at a military hospital after contracting COVID-19, the White House said Friday.
Trump was to depart the White House by helicopter late Friday for Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, a White House official said. The official said the visit was precautionary and that Trump would work from the hospital’s presidential suite, which is equipped to allow him to continue his official duties.
Earlier Friday the White House said Trump remains “fatigued” and had been injected with an experimental antibody cocktail for the virus that has killed more than 205,000 Americans and spread to the highest reaches of the U.S. government."
Kijk, Trumpie voor de troepen uit. Laat zichzelf volspuiten met experimentele cocktail, aldus AP. Maar als BoJo het aan kon kan de godenzoon dat ook. LIVESTREAM na de breek.
Update: het betreft de Regeneron cocktail.
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