Pentagon gaf briefings over "off-world vehicles not made on this earth", binnenkort openbaar
Jongens het gaat gebeuren.
Het is allemaal waar. We hebben de beelden en ervaringen van de bovenstaande oud-F18-piloot David Fravor in dit topic al eens onder elkaar gezet. En daar konden wij als experts op het gebied van eigenlijk alles maar een conclusie uit trekken: David heeft gelijk, dit is geen menselijke technologie en we kijken naar een buitenaardse ENTITEIT. En de New York Times zit er - en dit moet gezegd - alweer bijzonder dicht bovenop. De belangrijkste frasen uit hun artikel van donderdagavond genaamd "No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public" plakken we onderstaand even.
"In 2017, The New York Times disclosed the existence of a predecessor unit, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. (...) The Pentagon program’s previous director, Luis Elizondo, a former military intelligence official who resigned in October 2017 after 10 years with the program, confirmed that the new task force evolved from the advanced aerospace program.
Mr. Elizondo is among a small group of former government officials and scientists with security clearances who, without presenting physical proof, say they are convinced that objects of undetermined origin have crashed on earth with materials retrieved for study.
(...) Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist who worked as a subcontractor and then a consultant for the Pentagon U.F.O. program since 2007, said that, in some cases, examination of the materials had so far failed to determine their source and led him to conclude, “We couldn’t make it ourselves.”
(...) Mr. Davis, who now works for Aerospace Corporation, a defense contractor, said he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department agency as recently as March about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.” Mr. Davis said he also gave classified briefings on retrievals of unexplained objects to staff members of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Oct. 21, 2019, and to staff members of the Senate Intelligence Committee two days later.
Committee staff members did not respond to requests for comment on the issue."
Ergens in het stuk proberen een stel laffe astrofysici ons feestje nog te bederven trouwens, door te stellen dat "Even lacking a plausible terrestrial explanation does not make an extraterrestrial one the most likely, astrophysicists say." Maar wat weten zij er nou van en we zijn boven al een tijdje MOE VAN EXPERTS!
Enfin, binnenkort dus openbaar: De Waarheid.
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