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Brexfast. May komt morgen ontbijten met Rutte

Dear English readers of the No Style weblog

What have we nou again read. Your prime minister Theresa May comes to the Netherlands for a breakfast with our Mark Rutte from the Unilever to save the Brexit troubles. Let us warn you. Do not believe a single word that the mister Rutte says. The people of the Netherlands have him long time believed en we still get 1000 euros from Rutte, he has all our cents given to the Greeks and we got an in lay velletje when we said no to the Ukraine treaty. And last time he believed that we should have no dividend tax in his fibres and then his good friend Polman sent him an sms and then he wanted to keep the dividend tax again. So please do not believe that it will be just like that one time with William of Orange who came to save you in a constitutional crisis. We are sorry. And we are also sorry that we will kick your behinds in the Nations League half final next year. Little greetings!



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