VrijMiBo met Bierrr

Kumquat, coffee, poppy seeds?
They're fucking up beer like you wouldn't believe!
I didn't ask to drink my meal
So take out the fucking orange peel.
From craft to trash, who gave you the power
To infuse a fucking elderflower?
Basil, oyster, grapefruit juice?
Beer already came in different hues,
It was seasonal, artisanal, in numerous styles,
So save the fruit for a fucking child.
Hemp, nougat, peppercorn?
That's not beer, it's fucking flavor porn.
Coconut, pineapple, and horchata?
Just brew the beer the way you oughta!
Prettig weekend. En be nice.
Dit wil je ook lezen

Een WARMTERECORD en het is fantastisch
Vlnr. Ronaldo, Mosterd, Spartacus

Dresden herdenken in het StamCafé
Een proportionele herdenking!