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En dat is nummer 18 and counting voor het kalenderjaar!
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Het was gezellig in Parkland, FL alwaar ene Nicolas Cruz (zie foto onder) zijn magazijnen leegde in een school en daarmee zeventien mensen uit het leven rukte. "Broward Sheriff Scott Israel said 12 people died inside the school, 2 died outside of the school, 1 person died on the corner near the school and 2 people died at hospital. Cruz, a former student who was expelled last year, used an AR-15 rifle and had multiple magazines on him."
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Nicholas Cruz - Florida high school shooter. Few images from his Instagram before it went down. #FloridaShooter #FloridaHighSchool #PrayForFlorida #NicolasCruz
MORE: Aerial footage above Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, shows students evacuating campus buildings with hands placed on heads or on shoulders of preceding evacuee
My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Florida shooting. No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school.
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