Eén, twee, drie vier, hoedje van VrijMiBo
Het is weekend. One two three four, little hat of, little hat of. One two three four, little hat of paper. And if you don't have a little hat anymore, make one of board paper. One two three four, little hat of paper. One two three four, little hat of, little hat of. One two three four, little hat of paper. And if your little hat doesn't fit, put in the glass closet. One two three four, little hat of paper. One two three four, little hat of, little hat of. One two three four, little hat of paper. And if you don't have a little hat anymore, make one of board paper. One two three four, little hat of paper. One two three four, little hat of, little hat of. One two three four, little hat of paper. And if your little hat doesn't fit, put in the glass closet. One two three four, little hat of paper. Prettig weekend. En be nice.
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