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China heeft eigen UFO Taskforce, is "overweldigd door toename meldingen van militair personeel"

Well well well...

Staat allemaal in de krant South China Morning Post (SCPM) uit Hong Kong, dus alles wat ze over China schrijven is waar. Het oorspronkelijke artikel zit achter een betaalmuur, maar daar draaien The Debrief en RT hun hand niet voor om. En omdat dit hele dossier het grootste verhaal in de geschiedenis van de mensheid is, citeren we het gewoon zo keurig mogelijk.

The Debrief: "The South China Morning Post reports Chinese analysts “have been overwhelmed in recent years by rapidly mounting sighting reports from a wide range of military and civilian sources” by what the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) are calling “unidentified air conditions.” (...) “The frequent occurrence of unidentified air conditions in recent years … brings severe challenges to air defence security of our country,” said Chen Li of the PLA’s Air Force Early Warning Academy, in a 2019 report cited by SCMP."

RT: " *The Chinese military has also been tracking UFOs, and in recent years has registered an uptick in sightings. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) uses a three-tiered system to investigate instances of “unidentified air conditions” – a euphemism reminiscent of the US military’s term for UFOs, “unidentified aerial phenomena,” the South China Morning Post reported. The PLA relies on reports from military radar stations, air force pilots, police stations, weather stations, and Chinese Academy of Sciences observatories to gather as much data as possible about mysterious flying objects. The information is then processed by the military and undergoes preliminary analysis, before being submitted to a national database. *

PLA headquarters then assigns a “threat index” to each sighting, based on the object’s behavior, physical features and any other relevant variables. (...) Many of the reports are ultimately attributed to natural phenomena which are picked up by radar or trigger electronic sensors, according to Chinese military researchers cited by the paper. (...) Sightings of unidentified objects in China’s airspace are “more likely caused by humans than aliens,” according to a Chinese radar scientist quoted by the outlet."

TLDR: volgens het bronartikel worden de meeste meldingen uiteindelijk toegeschreven aan natuurlijke fenomenen, en volgens een Chinese radarwetenschapper zijn de meldingen waarschijnlijk mensenwerk. Kortom; ze hebben geen idee, mensenwerk, natuurlijke fenomenen, maakt ook allemaal niet uit. 

Leuke wetenswaardigheid: ook NASA begint zich er tegenaan te bemoeien. "NASA's new chief is setting up an effort to further study unidentified flying objects within his first month in office. Bill Nelson, the former Florida senator and spaceflight veteran, told CNN Business' Rachel Crane during a wide-ranging interview on Thursday that it's not clear to anyone — even in the upper echelons of the US space agency — what the high-speed objects observed by Navy pilots are. (...) "We don't know if it's extraterrestrial. We don't know if it's an enemy. We don't know if it's an optical phenomenon," Nelson said. "We don't think [it's an optical phenomenon] because of the characteristics that those Navy jet pilots described ... And so the bottom line is, we want to know."

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