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Dear Americans. Please ignore Case Vanderstay

Dear Americans, today the Wall Street Journal published an article written by our wannabe influential politician Case Vanderstay. Here in the Netherlands, we don’t take Case Vanderstay very seriously and we suggest you do the same. Case Vanderstay is the kind of man who lets his wife do al the vacuum cleaning, though not on Valentines Day, because the Bible says it is supposed to be that way. Case Vanderstay is the kind of man who thinks christian morality is preferable over the opinion of raped women with unwanted pregnancy. Case Vanderstay is the kind of man who thinks the Bible has the final judgement on life’s ending, instead of a suffering human being who wants to choose its own faith. Case Vanderstay is the kind of man who chooses an atrocious death or suicide over a calm and peaceful ending. Case Vanderstay is the kind of man who sees homosexuals as inferior human beings. Case Vanderstay is the kind of man who doesn’t want women in his political party. Case Vanderstay hates alcohol, but he likes to drink the blood of Jesus. Case Vanderstay is the kind of man who sits on his couch on Sundays, and lets his black dressed wife do all the work. Case Vanderstay will never be an important factor in Dutch politics, because Case Vanderstay only gets support from the same stupid villagers, the same families and the same narrow minded men and women. The same people, every four year. For that reason, Case Vanderstay likes women in long skirts: so that his legacy lives on in the same villages and within the same families. There is a famous Dutch saying among christians that goes: hoe langer de rok, hoe natter het hok.


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