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Video. Apache gunship met laserwapen onder vleugel

FRIGGIN LAZURZ. Oh sorry, pas als de Russen 'em onder hun Black Shark gunships hangen mogen we Austin Powers-grappen maken. Maar goed. De Yanks zetten weer een stapje vooruit in dossier "Hoe smelt ik mijn vijand?" Raytheon zelf meldt: "A high energy laser mounted on an Apache AH-64 attack helicopter acquired and hit an unmanned target. The test was conducted by Raytheon and the U.S. Army Apache Program Management Office in collaboration with U.S. Special Operations Command at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. It was the first time a fully integrated laser system successfully shot a target from a rotary-wing aircraft over a wide variety of flight regimes, altitudes and air speeds, proving the feasibility of laser attack from Apache. The system tracked and directed energy on a stationary target at a slant range of 1.4 kilometers. (Slant range is the line-of-sight distance between two points at different levels.) The data collected from the test, including impact of vibration, dust and rotor downwash, will help shape future high-energy laser systems." Laserwapens op schepen, trucks, Strykers en Boeings hadden WE gelukkig al.


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