The following biographical information is provided for watchlisting purposes as the Department and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) deem appropriate: Name: Raymon IBRAHIM, DOB: 18 Jan 1978 POB: Egypt, Nationality: Dutch. On October 2, 2009,
subject attempted to travel on the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) from Schiphol International Airport in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on US Airways flight 799 to Philadelphia. Customs and Border Protection Officers with the Immigration Advisory Program (CBP/IAP) denied him boarding after a search of subject's carry-on items yielded a notebook containing numerous drawings of the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and of airplanes crashing into buildings, as well as a condom filled with an unidentified substance. CBP/IAP Officers subsequently revoked subject's ESTA approval. ¶4. (SBU) On January 28, 2010, US Airways personnel at Schiphol informed CBP/IAP Officers that subject attempted to secure a boarding pass for flight 799 departing the same day. Subject attempted to travel on the VWP. CBP/IAP Officers underscored subject was ineligible to travel on the VWP and US Airways personnel denied him a boarding pass. ¶5. (SBU) Post subsequently requested information on subject from the Dutch National Police (KLPD). According to KLPD counterparts, subject is known for threatening to use violence, assault, hostage taking, and illegal weapons possession. The KLPD was unable to confirm whether
subject had been convicted of any of the above-referenced crimes.