US Space Force selecteert eerste 2.400 STRIJDERS
Tijd om de ruimte te bevrijden.
Nou makkers, de bovenstaande wervingsspot heeft geworven. De eerste Warhammer 2.4K Space Marines treden aan. "Following the May application window for active-duty Airmen in specified career fields to volunteer to transfer to the U.S. Space Force, the service has selected 2,410 members in the organic space specialties of space operations (13S) and space systems operations (1C6) for transfer beginning Sept. 1" Kortom, er zijn een piloten en ondersteunend personeel door de selectie en verdomme hebben ze er zin in. "This is an exciting and historic time for these space operators who will be some of the first members to join the Space Force. Each one of them has an important responsibility to contribute bold ideas to shape the Space Force into a 21st century service," aldus Lt. Gen. David “DT” Thompson, vice-commandant van de ruimtemacht. Behouden vaart lui!
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