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Hey. @POLITICOEurope: "Inzake Oekraïne hebben Westerse media moeilijke vragen nagelaten, spreken te snel van Russische propaganda"

Sinds die geesteszieke Amerikaanse transgender 'Sarah' werd aangesteld als woordvoerder en sinds Westerse kranten "The Ukraine War" als aparte categorie uit hun menubalken schrapten, voelt dit redactionele commentaar van het keurige als derde verschuiving van de Oekraïense lijn.

Zo'n 80.000 Oekraïense doden, 400.000 Oekraïense gewonden en een demografische noodtoestand later, beginnen er vraagtekens geplaatst te worden. Onderstaand een aantal sleutelfrasen door dit betamelijke nieuwsmerk:

"(...) We all too quickly dub those who question current Western strategy as defeatists or accuse them of advancing Russian propaganda. (...) The question is whether all this is blinding us, leading us to overlook the skepticism needed when considering whether this war is winnable — as in, can Russian forces be ejected from the 20 percent of Ukraine they’ve seized? Are we properly questioning some of the key assumptions underpinning the West’s strategy? Assumptions like Ukraine being the first stage of a broader Russian master plan to launch a land attack on NATO; that the fates of Ukraine and Europe are absolutely synonymous; or that Western sanctions will inevitably wreck Russia’s economy.

(...) Problem is, we’re not hearing these counter-arguments enough in mainstream Western publications, or at the high-level conferences that bring Western and Ukrainian officials together — like last weekend’s annual Yalta European Strategy (YES) Conference held in Kyiv.

In fact, such fundamental questions weren’t raised in the formal sessions or on the margins of the YES conference. Instead, much like at other security conferences, there was a fair share of the “Russians are coming,” of “one more heave and Putin will buckle,” and talk of this or that game-changing weapon."

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