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Cursus Nederlanders begrijpen

dode boom!Reaguurdertjes, proficiat. Jullie worden genoemd. In de allernieuwste editie van het veelgeprezen boek The Low Sky van de doorgeleerde heer Han van der Horst staan jullie 'Little Men' er weer eens gekleurd op. "The requirement to be gezellig and to hold oneself in in public keeps the people of the Netherlands on a tight rein, so that they are forced to live a life of lulligheid. For the past ten years or so, however, they have found a place where disapproving looks cannot make them abide by the rules: the Internet, the virtual Netherlands. There, often under the cover of a nickname, they throw all caution to the wind [...] The most populair site to do this is the weblog GeenStijl [...] Anyone getting to know the Netherlands only trough the Internet is confronted with by a cacophony of seriously conflicting opinions, slanging matches and virtual fist fights." Durven jullie wel, anonieme lafbekjes....


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