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Bill Maher: 'Westerse cultuur is superieur!'

Waarschuwing: Dit topic kan verwarring wekken bij linksmensen. Want we zien een blanke man, die claimt én onderbouwt waarom het Westen superieur is. Maar de spreker, Bill Maher, is géén roodgloeiende redneck van FOX News, geen Westboro Baptist malloot en ook geen Tea Party-fundamentalist. Verwarrend, want nu kun je 'm dus niet simpelweg kapot jij-bakken omdat ie bij een Erkende Foute Club zit. Erger nog: Bill Maher is juist een hele progressieve man, een liberal die vóór legalisering van homohuwelijken en wiet is en zich bij PETA inzet voor dierenwelzijn. Hij omschrijft zichzelf als een klimaatknuffelaar, steunde Obama's campagne in 2008 uit liefde voor Obamacare en is, kortom, een hele fatsoenlijke, weldenkende jongen. Die in bovenstaande zes minuten wel even uitlegt dat de Westerse cultuur simpelweg beter is. Niet door islam te bashen, maar juist door het Goed Volk te attaqueren: "To count yourself as a liberal, you have to stand up for liberal principles. Free speech, separation of church and state, freedom to practice any religion or no religion without the threat of violence. [...] You're atheists. You should be attacking religion, not siding with people who hold women down and violate them which apparently you will defend in the name of multiculturalism!" Amen. (Transcript na de breek.)
Transcript Bill Maher - HBO's Real Time - 26 september 2014. President Obama keeps insisting that's ISIS is not Islamic. Well, maybe they don't practice the Muslim faith the same way he does. But if vast numbers of Muslims across the world believe, and they do, that humans deserve to die for merely holding a different idea or drawing a cartoon or writing a book or eloping with the wrong person, not only does the Muslim world have something in common with ISIS, it has too much in common with ISIS. There's so much talk -- you can applaud -- there's so much talk about wiping out ISIS. You can't, not with bombs. You can only expose that something is a bad idea like extended warranties. Cultures are different. It's okay to judge that rule of law isn't just different than theocracy, it's better. If you don't see that, you're either a religious fanatic or a masochist, but one thing you certainly are not is a liberal. To count yourself as a liberal, you have to stand up for liberal principles. Free speech, separation of church and state, freedom to practice any religion or no religion without the threat of violence. Respect for minorities including homosexuals, equality for women. It amazes me how here in America we go nuts over the tiniest violations of these values while gross atrocities are ignored across the world. Jonah Hill yells "suck my dick faggot" at the paparazzi and an entire nation goes into Twitter outrage until he is forced to perform that most debasing of acts -- the talk show apology tour. Meanwhile, in 10 countries actually sucking a dick can get you stoned, and not a good way. We hear a lot about the Republican war on women. It's not cool. Rush Limbaugh called somebody a slut. Okay. But Saudi women can't vote or drive or hold a job or leave the house without a man. Overwhelming majorities in every Muslim country say a wife is always obliged to obey her husband. That all seems like a bigger issue than an evangelical Christian bakery refusing to make gay wedding cakes. Ninety-one percent of Egyptian women have had their clitorises removed; 98% of Somalian women have. Ayaan Hirsi Ali grew up in Somalia and was one of them. She was scheduled to speak at Yale last week but the school's atheist organization, my people, complained that she "did no represent a totality of the ex-Muslim experience." Meaning what? That women like mutilation? You're atheists. You should be attacking religion, not siding with people who hold women down and violate them which apparently you will defend in the name of multiculturalism and then lose your shit when someone refers to Chaz Bono by the wrong pronoun. Donald Sterling isn't allowed to own a team because he told his mistress not to post pictures with black guys. Okay. But if we're giving no quarter to intolerance, shouldn't we be starting the mutilators and the honor killers or will that divert us from the real problem that when Mel Gibson drinks he calls women sugar tits? (H/T) Gelol'd? Religulous is ook een aanrader.


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