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BREEK. Premier Azarov van Oekraine stapt op

ANP-26076531534.jpg Eclatante zege voor de demonstranten in Kiev en in heel Oekraïne: na wekenlang autobanden opstoken, slaan met stokken en af en toe een schot lossen (big pica's hierrr, gigapica daarrr), kiest premier Azarov het hazenpad. Van de officiële overheidswebsite: "Today, Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov made a statement: "The conflict situation that prevailed in the country, threatening the economic and social development of Ukraine, is a threat to the entire Ukrainian society and every citizen. [...] In order to create more opportunities for social and political compromise for a peaceful settlement of the conflict, I made a personal decision to ask the President of Ukraine to accept my resignation from the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine." Hele speech na de breek. OK. En nu? Oppositieleider Klitsjko op de troon? Iemand uit de invloedssfeer van Poetin? Of toch een Europese ambtenaar om de boel bij elkaar te houden? Live updates bij, langzaam ontwakend gezang op de Hrushevskoho Street livestream. Update: Uitzinnige menigte op EuroMaidan (livestream).
Today, Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov made a statement: "The conflict situation that prevailed in the country, threatening the economic and social development of Ukraine, is a threat to the entire Ukrainian society and every citizen. Government during the confrontation did everything for the peaceful resolution of conflict. We have done and are doing everything to prevent bloodshed, escalating violence, violations of human rights. The government provided the functioning of the economy and social security system in extreme conditions. However, the sharpness of the conflict and danger for our citizens and for the future of Ukraine require additional critical steps. In order to create more opportunities for social and political compromise for a peaceful settlement of the conflict, I made a personal decision to ask the President of Ukraine to accept my resignation from the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine. All these difficult years, I did everything to Ukraine could develop normally as a democratic European country. I made the decision and took the responsibility to lead the nation of Ukraine. And because I can honestly look into the eyes of every citizen of our country, each fellow. I am grateful for the confidence the President of Ukraine. I am grateful to all MPs who supported all these years of highly complex work of the Government to modernize and reform the country. I am grateful to all citizens of Ukraine who supported the government and I personally believe and trust in the correctness of policy that we held. Today, the most important thing - to preserve the unity and integrity of Ukraine. It is much more important than anyone's personal agenda or ambition.That's why I made this decision."


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