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Haters want to kill the @amazingatheist YouTubings

Holy shit, the hate minions are after Amazing Atheist. Somehow, his videos are getting removed and rejected by YouTube. You know, they're the videos with names like "Stupid Christian Comics", "The Origin of Islamic Extremism", "Can Men Talk About Feminism?" and "DIFFERENT POPE; SAME SH*T". His videos get blocked like he's playing one-on-one against Dwight Howard. Jesus, why would somebody want those videos remov.. oh, wait, we see what's going on. The intolerant are going their intolerant ways again. Because they feel that only they are allowed to freely speak their mind and put their arguments out there. So they consider any form of criticism as being 'offensive' and try their best to kill the other part of the debate. Well, we think of somebody who takes a regular piss out of religious nuts, futile feminists, and stupid people in general as a true friend. If speaking the truth is considered offensive, we'd gladly like to help out in hurting some precious religious feelings. Give your support to the Amazing Atheist on his Facebook, his Tumblr and his Twitter. And tell him to take his talents to Dumpert, a.k.a. beacon of light and freedom of speech safe haven, just like Pat Condell did. We at GeenStijl believe freedom of speech is the most valuable treasure of them all. Amazing Atheist, you're video's are always welcome on our servers and will never be removed. Also, you're in our prayers.


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