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De Hobbit is boos - deel 2

De woeste blik in de ogen van Claus liet aan duidelijkheid niets te wensen overHet was een rommelig weekend op de redactieburelen van GeenStijl, want de boze brief van opper-hobbit Claus Jørstad had voor de nodige consternatie gezorgd. De webmaster van de site die de hoofdrol speelde in het vijftiende deel van de Wereldwijde Upload Tour, eiste immers gegevens op en dreigde met het inschakelen van de pliesie. De internationale pliesie nog wel! Terwijl Fleischbaum peinzend heen en weer liep, De Chileen met trillende handen zijn blaffer schoonmaakte en mompelde 'nog wel een ideetje te hebben' en RaceKever samen met LatexHex de deur alvast barricadeerde, waren het Hoxha en Rombo die het hoofd koel hielden. De laatste tikte een briefje aan Claus en de eerste bereidde nieuwe afleveringen van de Upload Tour voor. "Dear Claus," tikte Rombo in.

From: GeenStijl - juridische zaken
To: Claus Jørstad
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003 23:03
Subject: RE: Complaint on activities

Dear Claus,

The Worldwide Upload Tour is a friendly way to spread the Dutch cultural heritage all over the planet. In our opinion it is a bloody shame that icons like Bassie & Adriaan, Jacques Herb, Rob de Nijs, Rick van Velthuysen and Ben Cramer are not as famous in other countries as they are in Holland.

Some websites - including yours - give visitors the opportunity to upload pictures and that is exactly what some of our visitors did on October 14.

But you know those kids: they completely lose control after some Euroshopper sherry and some green olives. Porn, piss and Hitler are not part of the Dutch culture! As we all know those are German things, and we do not want to be associated with that at all. On behalf of the rascals that uploaded the German cultural stuff, I offer you my sincere appologies.

In your e-mail you state that these activities are illegal, I think they're not. You are the one that gave the opportunity to upload pictures to your gallery, some of our visitors did that. No more, no less. Comparing it to spamming makes no sense, or did they ask you if you wanted a penis enlargement?

We will not give you the ip numbers and names of our visitors for several reasons. Most important one is that no illegal activities have been committed. Besides that, it is completely unclear for us wich users uploaded the pictures to your site. Check your own logfiles and you must be able to find that out faster an easier.

Wanting us to stop the Worldwide Upload Tour because other sites became a 'victim' of those 'attacks', sounds to me like something those other sites should ask us, and not you. Besides that: we are not responsible for what our visitors do on other websites, just like we are not responsible for webmasters offering their visitors the option to upload pictures without checking them to be appropriate or not.

Wake up Claus, it's not just elves that inhabit this world.

Best regards,



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