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Raad het plaatje

maarwatishutt.jpgJa, rara wat is dit. Klikken voor extreme close-up. Oplossing later.
Oplossing: bovenstaand plaatje is de stamvoeler van een een Fruitvlieg. Niemand die het geraden heeft. Hier hires pica om je een idee te geven van de wondere wereld van de fruitvlieg. At your service! raadjeplaatje.jpg Fruit fly balance organ. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the balance organ (haltere) of a male fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). The haltere is the oval structure at lower left. It is a modified and reduced hindwing that helps the insect sense its orientation and remain correctly balanced. Fruit flies are widely used in genetic experiments, particularly in mutation experiments, because they reproduce rapidly and their genetic systems are well understood. Magnification: x258 when printed 10 centimetres wide. vruitpoot.jpg vruitpoot2.jpgFruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) sex comb, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). The sex comb is found only on the front legs of males and is one of the most rapidly evolving male-specific traits in Drosophila. They use them to grasp the females' abdomen and genitalia and to spread their wings prior to copulation. antennert.jpgDe antenne. vruitoog.jpg oogcloser.jpg Dit is nou een fruitvliegoog.


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