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Israel doet binnen zonder kloppen

grondoffensiefgaza.jpg"Israeli infantry soldiers marching into the Gaza Strip on 03 January 2009 as Israel begins its ground operation against Hamas.The ground operation began after sunset on 03 January 2009 in what the Israeli army called the second stage of Operation Cast Lead. It involved large amounts of infantry and armoured vehicles such as tanks and was meant to 'destroy the terrorist infrastructure of the Hamas in the area of operation, while taking control of some of rocket launching area used by the Hamas, in order to greatly reduce the quantity of rockets fired at Israel and Israeli civilians,' as a statement by the IDF said after ground forcs entered the Gaza Strip." EPA/MAARIV ISRAEL OUT Gelukkig hebben Harry van Bommel (SP) en weduwe Greetje Duisenberg-Ikzoekeenrijkeman de oplossing. Intifada. Intifada. Palestina vrij. Hoe zat het ook alweer met oproepen tot geweld? Nou ja, het ruimt wel lekker op daar...


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