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Als blikken konden doden...Paniek op de redactie van GeenStijl! De altijd zo stoere Chileen zit bibberend onder tafel en ook de overige redactieleden ijsberen met zweet op het voorhoofd door de kamer. Na de ramen van de redactie van Quote, lijkt nu het bijtertje onder de weblogs aan de beurt te zijn. Skip - de boze webmaster van Paragon, die onze Upload Tournee van gisteren niet echt kon waarderen - is nu helemaal losgeslagen en is na het eerdere mailbombardement wanhopig op zoek naar nog wredere manieren om wraak te nemen op GeenStijl. Het is niet mis wat ons allemaal te wachten staat: virussen uit 1985, scripts die onze computer herstarten, het onklaar maken van onze server, DDoS-aanvallen uiteraard en als klap op de vuurpijl een bezoekje van een pooier met een honkbalknuppel. Mocht er over 24 uur niets nieuws meer gepost zijn, wilt u dan de politie waarschuwen? Om u mee te laten delen in onze bezorgdheid, verzamelden we enkele van de meest angstaanjagende represailles die geopperd werden.
UPDATE: We hebben geen flauw idee waarom, maar de pagina van het forum waarop Skip en zijn strijdmakkers keiharde sancties bekokstoofden is verwijderd...

Skip: "Our photo gallery was the target of a contest to see how many pictures they could upload. Neat! What's that take... the combined IQ of a fingernail? (...) Any ideas for a payback? We have their site URL... we even have the owners email address. I think I'll copy a few of their IP's as well. (...) The Email of the perpetrator:"

Brian Wilson: "But now, it's time for payback. I'll start snooping around and see what i can find out. The most i can do is make them have to rebuild their server... possibly put something up on their page... or completely suck down their server and bandwidth to a halt! And we can do that every day if you so wish."

Techmonkey: "The only thing I can offer(providing I can find it) is an old Senior project from my computer programming class in "Q-basic" form. The jist of it was I incorperated a 8-bit program from Windows that resarted the computer into their startup program. Result their computer would startup to the desktop then when the second windows 98 screen popped up the computer would resart. Then start up from the beginning again until the sencond windows98 screen and resart again ect. ect. ect. Ill look for it tonight but it will only work on windows98. One of you computer programmers "in the now" could doctor it up. I'm not savay in the computer feild anymore."

Epic2112: "I'm happy to take part in ddos attacks on the web page if someone explains how to do it. I used to know, years ago, a way just by using start->run->some command I don't remember."

Fishey: "Also your problems will be with this man. Rombo "

fty: "hahah we can just sign him up for some GAY PORN HAHAHAHAHA"

ToxicSlick: "First set off about finding his house and then just have some really angry huge rich dutch guy show up in a porsche at his door with a baseball bat..."

Chris_924s: "I have a few algorithmic self reproducing treats I could pass their way. I know I'm sick for collecting computer viruses- but it seems to shut hackers up for a little while.. My present to you Skip."

I-Wana-951: "Get his name, find his adress, vandalize and harass him."


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