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We need to kill him

hasta la vistaIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has to be killed. Really be killed, I mean, physically. He should be eliminated, put to death, assassinated, and all those words that serve to say the same thing. [...] It is indeed a very impolite way to express our disgust with the Iranian archenemy. Government officials, including ones who have retired already, usually merely hint at such matters - that is, if they choose to talk about them at all. [...] Therefore, if we wish to still be here for our 70th Independence Day celebrations, we must threaten to assassinate him. [...] Indeed, this is impolite, unaesthetic, not customary and undiplomatic. Yet in order to stop this particular archenemy, we simply have to explain to him that his end is nearing. Kijk. Dát zijn de betere uitspraken. Meer van dittem in de Israelische Opinio.


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