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Afrikanen lenen graag aan Nederlanders

gaat allemaal goed komen, klaas regelt het!Dear National Bank of Tongo, Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you. My name is Jan Pieter Brenninkmeijer, son of the famous Dutch businessman Kees Brenninkmeijer. I got your name and contact (spiegel)from the Togolese Chamber of Commerce. I prayed over it and selected your name among other reputable names. Due to it's esteeming nature and the recommendations given to me as a reputable and most trust worthy person I can do business with you. So let me explane I will give great fortune and money to your most beautiful African country. All I need upfront is a shortterm loan of 45 million dollar. You get a 20% interest rate in 60 days. Did I mention I am Dutch? The money can be wire transfered to my Swiss Account Number 419 at the Raiffeisen Bank in Bern. I hope we can make this deal round in a few days. Dutch Greetings, Jan Pieter Brenninkmeijer Putten


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