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Salueren voor een RAT in het Stamcafé

Magawa de Mijnenveger gaat met pensioen

U zat na zestien rondjes Droomvlucht natuurlijk tot 22:00 uur in een echt café zonder groot scherm te verpozen, alwaar u zichzelf vaccineerde met liters vuurwater, maar vrees niet, je bent niet draaierig, dit tekstje gaat echt over een rat:

During his illustrious five-year career, HeroRAT Magawa’s work has directly saved the lives of men, women and children who were impacted by hidden landmines and other deadly remnants of war. Every discovery he made reduced the risk of injury or death for the people of Cambodia. Magawa is an African giant pouched rat that was born in Tanzania in November 2014. He grew up at APOPO's Training and Research centre in Tanzania where he learned how to find explosives using his amazing sense of smell. Magawa then moved to Siem Reap in Cambodia in 2016, where he began his successful career. To date he has found 71 landmines and 38 items of unexploded ordnance, making him APOPO’s most successful HeroRAT. Over the past five years he has helped clear over 225,000 square metres of land, allowing local communities to live, work, play and be educated; without fear of losing life or limb.

Nou, kudo +1 en PROOST, Magawa de gouden Mijnenveger!

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