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Arrr. Proxy Pirate needs money for legal fight

KeepSeedingFlag.jpg Interwebs! A lone pirate needs some help. Or rather: money. Treasure. Yer golden coins. To continue his legal battle against anti-piracy agencies in the Netherlands, who are threatening a free and open internet, in the Netherlands and internationally. Tim Kuik, director of the Dutch anti-piracy bureau BREIN, is trying to sink individual Pirate Bay proxy hosts. These hosts surfaced after a BREIN-friendly judge ruled, last year, that numerous Dutch ISPs have to block access to the Pirate Bay for their customers. Kuik, errand boy for movie and music majors, started serving individual hosts with ex parte (*) decisions. Many hosts feel so threatened by this dubious use of legal force, that they take their proxies down. But one pirate sails on. For almost a year now, Tristan has been battling BREIN in court. And now he's out of dough. He needs 5,500 euro to continue a case he and his lawyer think he can win. Help him through the storm. Read his story. And SEED HIM SOME MONEY. Update 17/2: Goal reached in a few hours. Any more money received, will go in a war chest for legal battles to come.


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