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LOL! Groningers are very stupid people

affakkelen.gifQuick, let's speak English, so the Groningers can't understand us. Good, now we can make fun of them. Because really, those people from the north are a bunch of stupid sheep fuckers. At the moment they're a bit pissed about earthquakes that create a smaller tremble than their mothers vibrator. It's because the technologically more advanced people from Holland are sucking up all the gas from underneath Groningen's soil. Well, it became a bit of an hassle, mainly because Groningers are a winy bunch of cow dick suckers, so a lot of official reports are being written about the whole ordeal. A lot of these reports are in English. Guess what, those crying little inbred baby's from Groningen can't even read Algemeen Beschaafd Nederlands, let alone complex English reports. Oh, wait, the Groningers are trying to translate the words 'stupid sheep fuckers' in Google Translate. Let me distract them for a moment. Hey, Groningers, kijk daar, een eierbal. Alright, that'll keep them busy for a while. So now what? Well, the Groningers demand that minister Kamp translates all the English reports in Nederlands, because they don't understand a sikkepit of it. Hysterical. As if these complex reports would make any sense to those mentally unstable Forrest Gumps up there in the north when they would be translated in Dutch. Not a chance. Basically, Groningers are saying: "we're extremely mad, but we don't exactly know why, because we don't understand a single thing about the reports written about the subject." Well, we don't need an official report to convince us that Groningers are some of the most stupid people to ever roam the earth. We hope they vanish in a sinkhole. Suckers.


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