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Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe

extremeluft.jpgCheck dit dan, ruwe schetsen van Duitse ingenieurs die werkten aan een precisiebommenwerper. De tekeningen zijn in 1945 door geallieerde troepen gevonden in de Rijksdag en worden nu geveild. Het is een soort dartpijltje met een 1.000 kg bom. De ingebouwde precisie kwam van het ingebouwde pilootje, de bom was smal en snel en daardoor bijna niet te raken met afweergeschut. Na het afwerpen van de bom, kon de piloot landen door een ballon op te laten ofzo iets. Hierrr nog een scan.
Bijschrift: A handout photograph made available by British auction house, International Autograph Auctions on 11 December 2008 showing outlandish plans for a high-precision bomb developed by the Luftwaffe at the end of the Second World War which have emerged, shedding light on German desperation to find a weapon that would offer a decisive advantage. The pencil sketches, which were seized by Allied soldiers at Hitlerís Reich Chancellery in Berlin in 1945, show an aircraft consisting of a small dart-shaped glider attached to a 1,000kg bomb. The Silent Dart was intended to overcome the inaccuracy of aerial bombardment by allowing a pilot to accompany a bomb to a low altitude before releasing his payload. kamikaze mission, but without the death of the pilot. The glider would have used the tungsten-cored flying principle of a pub dart. It would be released from a mother ship and then directed by a pilot, which is not a job I would want. The plans, which are estimated to fetch up to £3,000, will be auctioned at the Radisson Edwardian Hotel in Heathrow, West London by International Autograph Auctions. EPA/INTERNATIONAL AUTOGRAPH AUCTIONS / HO


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