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De Arabierische Dr. Phil

ies logiesDames en Heren opgelet. Ook zo'n moeite uw relatie fris en fruitig te houden? U bent niet de enige. Ook onze vrinden in de woestijn hebben te maken met man/vrouw-problematiek. Maak kennis met Sheik Jassem Al-Mutawah en zijn onnavolgbare logica. Filmpje zwerft al een tijdje rond op het net, maar we zijn er nu eindelijk uit. Mannen komen van kameel, vrouwen komen van dromedaris. "For a man thinking is no. 1, talking is no.2. For a woman, talking comes no.1 , thinking is no.2." In de Lees Verder een transcriptje.
Allah created men and women each with their own nature. Let us see together: Let’s say this is the man. I am now drawing the man, for example, in this shape. And let’s suppose this is a woman in this shape. This is just an example, of course. We can see that if the man wants to speak, his thinking always… this is his thinking you see here… preceding his words. In a man, thinking is no. 1 and talking is no. 2. This is how a man moves, thinks and speaks. If we turn to the woman, generally… of course I am not speaking of all women and all men, but about most of them… we can see that in a woman… speech comes first for women. For a woman, talking is no. 1. Talking precedes thinking. Thinking comes only after she talks. That is why, in many cases a woman speaks or begins a subject or a story… she begins, for example, with a sentence or two, or maybe three, and then we see a woman say, after she already started talking, “No, no, no, this is not the subject I am talking about.” And she starts another subject that she really wanted to talk about. This is because in the first subject, her talking preceded her thinking. She spoke but when she started thinking, she realized that this subject is not appropriate to this situation or to these people. Then she begins to retreat intelligently, and begins another subject. On the other hand, we see that the man keeps silent. We assume he is silent, but his brain is working. It is working and working and so, maybe it is delayed. A man brain works for a long time, even over simple matters. Sometimes a woman raises an issue or even two issues and she asks their husband, “Why are you silent?” But of course he is not silent, his brain is working and working.


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