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Cabin Clew. Plepale fol landing

Dag MIG, hallo KLMNi hao eh.. Solly... Good aftelnoon. This is youl filst officel speaking because youl captain is sclewing the stewaldess, light now. My name is Sam Bal Bei, and soon we will land on Beijing Capital Ailpolt. Estimated time of allival: fifteen hundled houls. The weathel in Beijing is bad. It lains the whole day, and the tempelatule is 12 deglees. But we do hope you enjoy youl stay in the Peoples Lepublic of China. Please listen tot KLM onboald ladio duling the apploach. Now playing: Thele ale nine million bicycles in Beijing. Thank you fol flying KLM/AilFlance. Ja, mensen. De KLM gaat op China vliegen met Chinese piloten. Grote paniek onder het personeel. Want dat is natuurlijk BROODROOF!!! Solly, Bloodloof.


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