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Boosneger is BOOS om Racist Knock-Out Game

sotomayor100.jpgBam. Powerhouse Rant van talk show host @tjsotomayor over de zieke Knock-Out Game (negers slaan uit het niets blanken op de bek, gewoon omdat het kan, al 3 doden) op de YouTubes. Meedogenloze Monoloog duurt een minuutje of 16, en bevat waarheden als koeien zoals; This is the result of a fatherless America. Kijkt u vooral de gehele video, wij prikken even in bij een minuutje of vier wegens deze (voor u opgenoteerde) alinea die afgelopen weekend rauwe werkelijkheid werd. Now. What you saw in this video was a bunch of young niggers running around hitting people in the face. And these young niggers are doing this and you see the bitches that is laughing and joking with 'm and thinking it's funny. See everybody thought is was funny and it was cute. Well, amazingly enough these people thought this was cute and this how those type of girls go for them type of dudes. See they was laughing and giggling like it was funny. Now who could watch this video and find it hilarious? Well, the targets of all those punches were namely white people. Here's a message to white people. Carry yo gun. Get a license to carry it, in person. And if you see a group of these negroes coming near you, walking towards you... Fire upon them. Yep. Fire upon them. WATCH & LEARN En ziedaar op de sociaalmediaas. De blankmense doen "Carry yo gun". Gaat lekker, wereld.


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